Mariana pet sitter à Rennes 35000


Rennes 35000 • 35 ans
Mariana pet sitter à Rennes 35000
Mariana - Petsitter à Rennes

Mariana Pet sitter à Rennes 35000

• 35 ans
Pas d'animaux
Non véhiculé


I grew up in the country along with our dogs, cats, chicks, ducks, roosters, cows, pigs and other animals, until my 13 y.o. After that I moved with my family to the city and I only had a small dog because we were living in an apartment. I always missed having and taking care of animals. I love all animals, except snakes and frogs (they creep me out). :) It will be an exciting thrill to take care of your pet/s.


More than 5 years with dogs, cats, birds (chicks, roosters, ducks, geese, turkeys, etc.), cows and pigs. After my 13 y.o. I had a chihuahua for 5 years, she was pretty old when we got her. Me and my family offered her a calm peaceful environment. I still miss her.

Nos garanties

Une assistance vétérinaire pour chaque garde
Un conseiller personnel à votre écoute pour affiner votre besoin
Un service support 7/7j pour votre garde
Un service assuré par notre partenaire Générali
Mariana est un membre non professionnel.

Situation géographique